Saturday, 2 June 2007


I've been singing that retarded song all day and still can't stop...

Before I start, I think it's most appropriate if I introduce myself. Hey, I'm Jonathan, lead tenor for this year. As Ryner mentioned earlier, I joined in 2005 bla bla bla.....err, what else ah.... oh God...this no profanity ruling is just ARRGHH!!!! Never mind, I'll just start blogging

Right...We've been practising hard since last Saturday to beat the crap out of the other school choirs win the inter-school competition. 18 more frigging days...

Anyway, the first 3 days were spent watching a hell lot of videos to learn from the previous choirs and to recognize our flaws and also our opponents. We even watched the classic "My Fair Lady" starring Audrey Hepburn to ,in Ryner's own words, get into the feel of the song. Honestly, it felt like some horrible National Geographic special marathon that my parents forced me to watch. But hey, at least we now can "get into the feel of the song".

Honestly, I thought the first 3 days weren't really productive. Too many videos, too little singing. Ryner got a little agitated with all of us cause he can't stand out-of-tuneness. He is very unique I tell you.

When he's really really pissed off, he'll be very can even hear the crickets and the air-conditioning unit humming

When he's stressed out, he'll start walking around aimlessly

When he's happy......he's not Ryner Lai

Kidding. I still haven't cuss ah boy

Anyway, on Wednesday, progress really started to show. But since Ryner was leaving for camp the following day, we asked Pn Luk to come in and fill in for us if she could, but she couldn't . . . so Jeremy, Nurul and I were going to fill in for Ryner on Thursday. He came for 2 hours of practice before leaving for his camp. So....conducting sectionals for the first time was a very unique experience...

VERY unique for a person who does not know how to read notes properly i.e. me. But heck, I was assigned a duty and I was gonna do my best to fulfill it. Amanah (sikap bertanggungjawab yang boleh menimbulkan kepercayaan orang lain)

moral is the most stupid government propaganda drive there ever was....

On Thursday, we managed to polish up all the songs. At least we got all the tune problems ironed out.

Today, I don't know why, but I found myself very exhausted by the time it was 12.00 p.m. It was kinda exhausting giving individual training to the new tenors because they ARE improving, but they can improve a heck lot more if Pn Luk taught them. Now I know how Pn Luk must feel teaching new singers. New singers are like some sponge that sucks up all your positive, gung-ho energy. Anyway, Pn Luk is coming in on Tuesday *cue angels singing* My exhaustion could also be because we were singing in the hall today. Rasa mau pengsan. note to self : build better stamina

So that's the story so far.

To old members who have left the choir, you must seriously experience how practice goes without Pn Luk. I swear, you'll get a heart attack.

Practice starts at 8.00 a.m. , but not even half of the members are there. Mostly it's the juniors, but sometime seniors come a bit late with excuse. Did I mention that we also get free tid-bits every single practice thanks to Cikgu Suzie???

Very different indeed....I think to counter the punctuality problem, Ryner needs to start smacking butts like what Pn Luk used to do ...but hey, we don't want our dear conductor to be charged in court for molesting aye?

Well, that's all from me for today. Let's get this blog more active people. The purpose of this blog is not only to unite the old guard with the new, but also to HOPEFULLY create a strong choir blogging community!!!! or something like that......actually, I'm not really sure. Ask Nurul


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